Notice of Intent to Sell

Notice of Intent to Sell

Request for Notice of Intent to Sell
Please refer to your community's current regulations and guidelines regarding selling your deed restricted housing unit. Notice of Intent to Sell a Housing Unit must be given at least sixty (60) days prior to the sale of the unit.
*By electronically signing this form you hereby declare your intent to sell the property disclosed, acknowledging that such property is restricted (including ownership, occupancy, and sale of such property) by the Ridgway Wetterhorn Homes Regulations and Guidelines (RWHRG) and has been certified by Impact Development Services as Affordable Housing, as defined in the Town of Ridgway Land Use Code.
*By electronically signing this form you hereby declare your intent to sell the property disclosed, acknowledging that such property is restricted (including ownership, occupancy, and sale of such property) by the Ridgway Wetterhorn Homes Regulations and Guidelines (RWHRG) and has been certified by Impact Development Services as Affordable Housing, as defined in the Town of Ridgway Land Use Code.

    At Impact Development Fund, we have a passion for helping people. In Colorado, there are too many under-served communities. We've made it our mission to assist these communities by providing loans to non-profits, families, and developers.


    200 E. 7th St., Suite 412
    Loveland, CO 80537


    (970) 494-2021